Top Hat experimental concepts and interactive prototypes page.

The ideas on this page are under design and we appreciate your comments and suggestions so while you are flying, the glide computer will work optimally.
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Switching screen prototypes, August 2013:

The purpose of these prototypes is to enable "advanced" functionality so pilots can easily switch screens. This includes not only switching between different sets of Infoboxes, but also switching to the Thermal assistant, Flarm radar or the Airspace cross section.

1) swiping left right between screens, and a separate button initiates panning ... utton.html
2) Buttons on the page for each possible screen. Dragging anywhere on the screen initiates panning
3) Big horizontal swipe from one side to the other switches between screens. Smaller swipe initiates panning. ... trait.html

Prototype 2: "One stop shopping" navigation bar/button/slider (Nov 2012).

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Click on prototype to interact with it:

Prototype 3: Mat Task clicking (Nov 2012).

Click on the "43 Union Bridge" waypoint to see how to add a turnpoint to a Mat task.
Please post comments and suggestions about this concept here